
Dear friends,

This great thing happened. My colleagues and I helped a boy with severe rheumatoid arthritis avoid hip replacement. We wrote up a case study and got it published. Check it out:

Dr. Boothby published a case study.

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Dr. Boothby celebrated 30 years of Breath Building Chiropractic on Nov 9th 2016
Thank you to all our wonderful patients who came out to see pictures and hear stories.

"You are the ones who wanted new solutions! Together we created a way to get support from
the ground and breathe, in order to upgrade our nervous systems resulting in feeling good
in our bodies, no matter what."


Published in Portland Monthly Magazine's January 2013 Issue

Profiles in Treatment: Judith Boothby

By Hannah Wallace

For 15 years, carpenter Nat Lemke suffered severe, chronic pain caused by a car accident at 16. “It would shift throughout my body,” he says. “My right foot was twisted way out. I had this feeling of ripping open in my waist. My whole body had this larger feeling of being messed up.” 

With visions of becoming wheelchair-bound, he sought treatment from Judith Boothby. A 26-year practitioner of chiropractic medicine, Boothby also employs “functional neurology,” gentle breathing exercises and neurological tricks that encourage a mind-heart-body connection. “I used to be a mechanical engineer,” she says, “so I think structurally.”  

Boothby began with simple exercises to bring Lemke’s body and brain back into conversation—eye movements, humming, and tapping the areas of his body, like his ribs, that felt dormant. She also did adjustments—not bone-pops, but sudden, “vigorous movements”—while he hummed. 

Seeing Boothby weekly (and, early on, more often) was no picnic—Lemke describes this period of his life as “very intense and challenging.” He would leave each session with a page of notes on exercises he should do at home. But all the work paid off. “These exercises may sound corny or strange, but as far as I could tell, they helped my neurological system repair itself,” Lemke says.  

Boothby’s colleague Laurie Morton teaches their patients qi gong and yoga to complement their treatment. She introduced Lemke to qi gong, a Chinese martial art that balances your qi, or intrinsic life energy. “It awakens my body more fully,” Lemke says. “Dr. Boothby helped me pick myself up, and qi gong is going to take me the rest of the way.” 


Low Back Pain: Tuesday, January 10 at 6:30 PM Dr Boothby discussed Low Back Pain

I use little adjustments and specific neurological eye movements to rebalance your spine and get your hips back under you. When your hips are your power source, you relieve stress and strain to your back.


During the month of December Dr Judith Boothby led a three-part workshop on Integration and Visibility 

The group members learned how to use neurological principals to integrate themselves while practicing becoming more visible to our communities. With this practice your body becomes stronger physically and emotionally, and as a result, you are more able to bring your good ideas and plans into fruition.


On December 8th Dr Judith Boothby spoke about Chiropractic for Babies and Children 

During 25 years of practice I have integrated an understanding of neurology, cranial sacral rhythms, and tissue tensegrity. As a result my treatments are gentle. Babies and children are growing so quickly, often all their bodies need is guidance in the right direction while they are growing through their developmental stages.


On October 5th Dr Judith Boothby spoke about Post Partum Pain

Dr Boothby has guided many women past their Post Partum Pain.  Using chiropractic, she helps to push women's pelvic bowls back together while they learn to reengage their pelvic supporting muscles. This allows the women to walk and breath with more ease. Please call 503-233-0943 for further information.  

Dr. Judith Boothby | 503 233-0943